Acidophilus Treatment For Bacterial Vaginosis – Can Acidophilus Really Cure Bacterial Vaginosis?

Lactobacillus Acidophilus is a type of beneficial bacteria that is present in a normal healthy vagina. The same bacteria are also found in natural yoghurt. That is why many women who are suffering from bacterial vaginosis often resort to taking natural yoghurt as a form of treatment for this infection. But the main concern now is, can acidophilus really cure bacterial vaginosis? That is a question which many women often ask whenever the issue of acidophilus is raised.

A normal healthy vagina contains both good and bad bacteria, but when the bad bacteria rapidly multiply and outnumber the good or beneficial bacteria, then this imbalance usually cause the infection to set in. Vaginal itching, burning and greyish white vaginal discharge accompanied by unpleasant fishy smell are the common symptoms of this disease.

To cure this imbalance most doctors normally prescribe antibiotics which could be oral or topical. The antibiotics work by killing all the bacterial present in the vagina, whether good or bad. But once you stop using the antibiotics and the bacterial regroup, the bad bacterial often outgrows the good ones and as a result women who are treated with antibiotics always experience recurrent bacterial vaginosis.

In order to treat this infection and get a permanent relief, many women have resorted to natural treatments of which acidophilus have gained popularity. According to medical experts, acidophilus is highly beneficial as it helps to supplement the body with good bacterial and have been used to treat bacterial vaginosis successfully. They found that women who took acidophilus orally for one week can be cured permanently of bacterial vaginosis. More importantly, they also found that acidophilus performed better than vinegar when used to treat the infection under the same circumstances.

Acidophilus treatment for bacterial vaginosis can be used in two ways; can be consumed orally or apply directly to the vagina. You can take 2-3 cups of probiotic yoghurt everyday. This will boost your immune system and supplement the body with beneficial bacterial, which will help to get rid of the infection. On the other hand, you can soak a tampon in natural yoghurt and insert it directly into the vagina for about half an hour. This approach will introduce the acidophilus to the vagina directly. Acidophilus are also available in most herbal or food stores in capsule form. This normally contains high concentration of bacteria than is found in natural yoghurt, therefore, you should apply it with care.

Acidophilus treatment for bacterial vaginosis really works and can help you to get rid of your bacterial vaginosis and all the associated symptoms, and most importantly there are no known side effects of using this form of treatment.

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