Creams For Bacterial Vaginosis – Do they Really Work?

For treating bacterial vaginosis infection, doctors normally prescribed anti bacterial tablets or vaginal creams or gel. Metronidazole cream is always the first option among various creams for treating bacterial vaginosis infection. Other creams that have proven successful include Clindamycin and Tinidazole. When applied properly as suggested by your doctor, these creams will safely clear up all the symptoms of this infection, and you should notice a significant decrease in your symptoms within a few days.

To use the creams, apply them directly to your vagina area and leave to dissolve. Just read the prescription label properly as indicated or ask your doctor how best to use the creams. They work best by clearing up the infection and the associated symptoms while at the same time sooth the skin and give some quick relief. It normally takes 2-3 days after the initial application for the creams to really start working. After applying the cream and you no longer have any discharge or odor, then you are cured.

Once you notice that your symptoms have subsided or that you are cured, your next call of action is to prevent reoccurrence of bacterial vaginosis infection. In order to achieve this, you need to take holistic approach toward permanent cure of this disease.

For preventing the reoccurrence of bacterial vaginosis you should take the following steps:

First of all you should avoid excessive vaginal douching. Many women often engage in this practice with the hope of reducing vaginal odor. This approach is wrong because this can upset the natural vaginal pH balance and subsequently triggers the infection.

You should avoid public baths, hot tubs and whirlpool spas. Avoid using vaginal spray, this is because the chemicals in the spray can kill the beneficial bacteria in your vagina. Also, do not wipe your private part from back to front after using the toilet. This can cause the bacteria in the faeces to enter your vagina.

One important step for preventing bacterial vaginosis is to ensure that your partner wears a condom every time you want to have sex. Though, bacterial vaginosis is not a sexually transmitted disease, the risk of developing another case of bacterial vaginosis is much lower if your partner uses condoms.

It is also important that you maintain a good personal hygiene. Always keep your vagina clean and wear loose and clean cotton underwear and pantyhose with a cotton crotch. Loose underwear will ensure that air flow freely around your vagina area.

Generally, creams for bacterial vaginosis can actually cure your infection, but you need to apply them properly and also take holistic approach towards curing this infection once and for all.

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Bacterial Vaginosis Itching – 3 Simple Tips To Stop Bacterial Vaginosis Itching and Get Quick Relief

Women who are suffering from bacterial vaginosis usually experience various kinds of symptoms, of which incessant vaginal itching is one of them. To make the matter worse, this constant itching is often accompanied by broken red irritated skin which might results in bleeding if the condition is not properly treated.

Sometimes the itching is very bad and you just can’t help but to scratch your private part. This can be embarrassing especially when people start to notice your condition, and this can adversely affect your social and professional lifestyles. For those experiencing this discomfort, their main concern is how best and quick to stop the aggravation and get a permanent relief.

In order to treat this condition, many women often resort to the use of antibiotics and vaginal creams to get instant relief. These conventional treatments can indeed help to suppress the itching for a while but the condition can get worse once you stop the treatment. In some women, the use of antibiotics and vaginal creams can develop into secondary problems such as yeast infection, which have almost the same symptoms as bacterial vaginosis.

So how does one get rid of bacterial vaginosis itching once and for all? The best approach to stop this condition and eliminate the root cause is by using natural treatments or home remedies. The followings are quick and simple tips to stop your bacterial vaginosis itching.

1). Pour 2-3 cups of natural yoghurt in a bowl, add small quantities of baking soda and mix very well. The mixture should be thick in form of a paste. Then spread it on the area around the vagina. It is normally cold and will dry off quickly on your skin. Leave it for about fifteen minutes, then wash it off and apply it again. It is usually messy, so you should do this very early in the morning and late in the evening before taking your bath. This approach will help to relieve the itching and the associated pain.

2). You can also use garlic suppositories which are readily available at herbal or health food stores and insert it directly into your vagina. Alternatively, peel some garlic cloves and pound them. Then wrap it in a gauze and insert it directly inside your vagina for about thirty minutes.

3). Pour a few drops of tea tree oil into a bowl of warm water containing hydrogen peroxide and mix very well. Dip a clean napkin or washcloth into the mixture and use it to rub the vagina area. Do this several times by continuously soaking the napkin or washcloth into the mixture and apply it to the vagina area. This approach will help to reduce the vaginal itching.

The above mentioned tips are quick ways to stop your bacterial vaginosis itching. To get the desired result within a short period, you can use both the first and second approach at the same time.

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Antibiotics For Bacterial Vaginosis – Is Using An Antibiotic The Best Option?

For those who are suffering from bacterial vaginosis, the usual approach to treatment is to use antibiotics. Antibiotics work by killing all the bacteria that are present in the vagina. This approach can only provide temporary relief from this infection, because as soon as you stop using antibiotics the infection is likely to re-occurs. That is why most women who are being treated with antibiotics often experience recurrent bacterial vaginosis.

Bacterial vaginosis is as a result of imbalance bacteria that are present in the vagina. A normal healthy vagina is acidic in nature with low pH value, and this is suitable for beneficial bacteria to thrive. But when the ph level rises due to various factors and changes from acidic to alkaline, then this condition will enables the bad bacterial to grow rapidly. When the bad bacteria multiply rapidly and outnumber the good ones, this imbalance then triggers bacterial vaginosis to occur. Common symptoms of this disease include excessive vaginal discharge accompanied, foul fishy odor which is more obvious after sexual intercourse, vaginal itching, swollen vagina and in certain cases painful or difficult urination.

The exact cause of this imbalance in many women is still a mystery to medical professionals. However, certain risk factors can facilitate the development of this infection in a woman. Some of these factors include excessive vaginal douching, excessive vaginal spraying, engaging in unprotected sex especially with a new partner, having multiple sexual partners, wearing thongs and use of IUD for birth control.

In order to treat this condition, doctors usually prescribed antibiotics. Metronidazole is the most commonly prescribed antibiotic for bacterial vaginosis which is normally available in tablet form or as a cream. Generally, what antibiotic does is to kill all the good and bad bacteria that are present in the vaginal and provide a temporary relief. But once you stop the treatment and the body is trying to replenish all naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina, there is always a tendency for the bad bacteria to outgrow the good ones and the cycle of infection starts all over again. This is one of the main reasons why most women who use conventional treatments often experience repeated attack of bacterial vaginosis.

It is obvious that treatments using antibiotics can only cure the symptoms temporarily. Therefore, it is advisable to treat the root cause of this condition in order to prevent it from returning again. For those women who experience repeated attack, it is imperative that you look at other options other than antibiotics for treating this infection.

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