For treating bacterial vaginosis infection, doctors normally prescribed anti bacterial tablets or vaginal creams or gel. Metronidazole cream is always the first option among various creams for treating bacterial vaginosis infection. Other creams that have proven successful include Clindamycin and Tinidazole. When applied properly as suggested by your doctor, these creams will safely clear up all the symptoms of this infection, and you should notice a significant decrease in your symptoms within a few days.
To use the creams, apply them directly to your vagina area and leave to dissolve. Just read the prescription label properly as indicated or ask your doctor how best to use the creams. They work best by clearing up the infection and the associated symptoms while at the same time sooth the skin and give some quick relief. It normally takes 2-3 days after the initial application for the creams to really start working. After applying the cream and you no longer have any discharge or odor, then you are cured.
Once you notice that your symptoms have subsided or that you are cured, your next call of action is to prevent reoccurrence of bacterial vaginosis infection. In order to achieve this, you need to take holistic approach toward permanent cure of this disease.
For preventing the reoccurrence of bacterial vaginosis you should take the following steps:
First of all you should avoid excessive vaginal douching. Many women often engage in this practice with the hope of reducing vaginal odor. This approach is wrong because this can upset the natural vaginal pH balance and subsequently triggers the infection.
You should avoid public baths, hot tubs and whirlpool spas. Avoid using vaginal spray, this is because the chemicals in the spray can kill the beneficial bacteria in your vagina. Also, do not wipe your private part from back to front after using the toilet. This can cause the bacteria in the faeces to enter your vagina.
One important step for preventing bacterial vaginosis is to ensure that your partner wears a condom every time you want to have sex. Though, bacterial vaginosis is not a sexually transmitted disease, the risk of developing another case of bacterial vaginosis is much lower if your partner uses condoms.
It is also important that you maintain a good personal hygiene. Always keep your vagina clean and wear loose and clean cotton underwear and pantyhose with a cotton crotch. Loose underwear will ensure that air flow freely around your vagina area.
Generally, creams for bacterial vaginosis can actually cure your infection, but you need to apply them properly and also take holistic approach towards curing this infection once and for all.
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